The Michigan Baseball Foundation is focused on efforts to increase vibrancy and economic development in and around downtown Midland, Michigan. In collaboration with community partners, we are proud to support the growth, development and continued reinvigoration of our community. With an emphasis on efforts that enhance the quality of life for residents of the Great Lakes Bay Region, our attention is fix on four key areas:
Increasing the vibrancy in Downtown Midland through a greater variety of uses, features, and activities
Reconnecting downtown by emphasizing safer, more walkable and bikeable streets alongside reinforcing cross town linkages and wayfinding
Strengthening downtown as community hub connecting history, culture, recreational activities and the riverfront. By expanding and enhancing trails and adjacent parks, the riverfront will be a more significant feature of downtown
Enabling downtown to become a more livable neighborhood by promoting various housing options
vibrancy & Growth
MBF encourages investment in downtown Midland through a Downtown Property Offering collectively marketed on behalf of property owners in the downtown area. These properties are offered for development with partners who will work toward the shared goal of enhancing vibrancy and economic development. Projects to date include the East End mixed-use development, Pathfinder Commons residential development to a new downtown hotel development set to break ground in Spring 2018.
In collaboration with private, public and philanthropic partners, MBF supports the improvement, restoration and activation of downtown Midland’s public spaces.
In 2015, the Michigan Baseball Foundation championed a community visioning effort alongside businesses, civic organizations, philanthropic foundations, and individuals with the goal of increasing vibrancy and economic development in and around downtown Midland.
The resulting movement is dedicated to this shared goal by improving and activating our public spaces and attracting private investment to the core of our community.
the board

Chairman, CEO, President

Director, MBF

Director, MBF

Director, MBF

Director, MBO

Director, MBO

Vice President, Secretary

Director, MBF

Director, MBF

President, MBO

Terence Moore
Director, MBO

Director, MBO
Director, MBF

Director, MBF

Director, MBF

Director, MBO

Macauley Whiting, Jr.
Director, MBO

Director, MBO